Wednesday, 15 February 2012

Making Strides

  First of all, I can't believe its almost been a month since I last posted! How quickly time flies; when you're having fun I guess. 
  I've finally been able to introduce Sophia to all kinds of foods this last month; it honestly went from her eating apples and cereal (and pretty much nothing else) to her wanting to try anything I give her. Not sure what caused the change, but I will say that it is one of the things I'm discovering about my little girl; she will do everything on HER time, hmm I wonder where she got that from...? Anyway maybe it's good because it really makes me appreciate when she finally decides to do something, and when she does it...she does it well, and I suppose I can't complain about that. I just have to remember to keep trying, even when it seems hopeless.
  This last month has been encouraging in a number of ways; besides the strides in eating, she started swimming lessons; which much to my surprise, (I've been told on a number of occasions that visually impaired children usually hate water) she LOVES it! Also she's getting much better with other children too, I notice her interacting with other babies now; reaching for them, reaching for their toys even. She's clapping now, and babbling up a storm, asking for Daddy, even mimicking farm animals; well trying to anyway. All of these things I've been told are not things that she, as a visually impaired child should be accomplishing at 10 months...
  So how foolish I have been for listening to Doctors when they have told me what to expect from my daughter. The fact is, that I can, and should expect all the same things that any parent can.  Having an impairment doesn't define who you are, what you can do, or who you can be; the only problem with having an impairment is that all her life she will be told she can't do certain things.

1 comment:

  1. Grandma & Grandpa Burrell16 February 2012 at 15:47

    You are wise beyond your years Leah and Sophia will learn to be persistent and strong as you have demonstrated. We are so proud of you all!!
